Details For Qualifying For Australia Immigration
If you are a skilled worker, then your chances to immigrate to Australia are very high. Under the Australian General Skilled Migration program, skilled migrants and workers can apply using their work experience, language ability and qualification to qualify for the Australian immigration, and this will allow you to live and work in Australia.
This program is for those people who do have an employer to sponsor them but have the necessary skills which are in shortage in the country. If you are interested in qualifying for Australian immigration, you have be over 18 years but under 45, and you have to be able to speak good English. In addition, you should have a recent skilled work experience.
The Australian General Skilled Migration program has undergone a few changes to make it easy for applicants. Applicants are awarded more points for very good English speaking skills and the visa structure has been reduced from 15 subclasses to 9. This means it is now easier for you to know and realize which visa subclass best suits your needs.
Under this program there are differed subclasses of visa and they are divided into onshore category and offshore category. There are also sponsored and independent categories. In sponsored category, the person is sponsored by either an Australian relative or Australian state government. There are more requirements to be fulfilled under this category and at times even a bond must be paid. Independent category visa has the least number of restrictions and it is perfect for those who have the right qualifications but do not have an employer to sponsor them.
Certain visa subclasses are assessed based on points. When a person does not get sufficient points to qualify for Australian immigration, he or she is placed into a reserve pool. His or her application will be taken into consideration when the points’ requirement is lowered sometime in the future.
