Popular Canadian Phrases
Whenever anyone plans to visit a foreign country, it is better to know and learn the local language of the country including some of the important words and phrases that are commonly used in that particular country.
Knowing these small things is important so as to avoid any confusion and to communicate better with the locals of the region.
Canada is the world’s second largest country located in the northern part of the North America. Official Bilingualism in Canada is a law according to which both English and French have been designated as the two official languages of the country. Quite a number of Canadians speaks both English and French.
Canadian English and Canadian French are slightly different from International English and International French. Mentioned below are some important terms and phrases used in Canada.
- What is your name? -- Comment t’appelles-tu? C'est quoi ton nom?
- My name is… -- Je m’appelle… / Mon nom est
- Pleased to meet you -- Enchanté (if one is a man) / Enchantée (woman)
- Where are the bathrooms? -- Où sont les toilettes?
- How much does it cost? -- C'est combien? / Cela coûte combien?
- May I speak to…? -- Puis-je parler à…?
- Can you help me? -- Peux-tu m’aider?
- Have a good day! -- Bonne journée!
- Good luck! -- Bonne chance!
- Who is there? -- Qui est là?
There are also certain subtle differences in the way Canadians use certain terms when compared to Americans. Here are some common examples. While Americans call it a napkin, Canadians use the word serviette. At the end of a meal, Americans ask for a check, while Canadians ask for a bill. Bathroom is referred to as washroom by Canadians and restroom by Americans. The term “wheat bread” gets converted to “brown bread” in Canada. A parking garage is called as a Parkade by Canadians. Candy bars in America become chocolate bars in Canada.
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