How Long Is The Great Wall Of ChinaHow Long Is The Great Wall Of China


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How Long Is The Great Wall Of China ?


        If you think about China, immediately a picture of the Great Wall of China materializes in the mind. No trip to China is complete without seeing this immense structure, which is a symbol of the long and ancient history of the country.

How long is the Great Wall of China?

        Many people think that the wall is one continuous structure that runs along the mountains that are located north of Beijing, the capital of China. However, this colossal wall is a series of interconnecting wall that covers a distance of 4,000 miles or 6,700 kilometers.

        The Great Wall of China was not constructed by a single kingdom. The wall was constructed by different dynasties and warlords and many of the sections of the wall were constructed over 2,000 years ago. The last construction to the wall was during the Ming Dynasty after 1368. The Great Wall of China is usually referred to the construction done by the Ming Dynasty. If we include all the sections built by the different dynasties of China, the length of the wall will be more than 50,000 kilometers!

        Do not be mistaken by the name. This magnificent structure is more than a wall. It has many defensive structures like forts, passes and beacons. These were used as watch towers, home for auxiliary soldiers, granary to store grains and conduit to pass military information. The wall was originally built to protect the agricultural land from invasion and stop the citizens from leaving the then empire. The Great Wall of China was instrumental in protecting the economy of the region and assisted in the development and cultural progress of the area. It also provided safe passage for the famous Silk route traders.

       Today the wall no longer serves the purpose of the past. It is not an iconic travel destination attracting millions of tourists to China. It is a remnant and relic from China’s past and should be protected so that people can marvel this man-made structure for centuries to come. 

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