Young Generation In Hong KongYoung Generation In Hong Kong


Chinese-Visa-In-Hong-Kong      Did you know that if you are in Hong Kong and want to visit China, you can apply for Chinese visa in Hong Kong itself. Travelers who want to go and visit China from Hong Kong can apply for their visas from the visa office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China. This office is located in Hong Kong and is quite close to the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center. More..


Young Generation In Hong Kong


The young generation in Hong Kong is going through an identity crisis. Now that Hong Kong has returned to China, many youngsters know very little about their country, living environment and standard of life in China. There is no doubt that the standard of living in Hong Kong is much superior to that in mainland China.

The young generation of Hong Kong is busier following trends that come from the western world. They are more interested in buying new shoes and clothes every few months as the fashion trends keep changing.

Then there is the ongoing debate about the various options of English, Putonghua or Cantonese. As this never ending debate continues, the standard of English and Chinese languages among young generation has fallen below average. This has now started posing a threat to the youngsters as it will lead to isolation rather than internationalism.

However, the government has still not acknowledged that excellence in English is vital for economic growth of Hong Kong and promotion of spoken Putonghua is important for cultural survival. But at the moment in Hong Kong, more importance and impetus is being given to Cantonese and it is the main medium of instruction in schools and colleges.

          Unfortunately for the confused young generation in Hong Kong, the conflicting ideas of capitalism and communism have produced a rift in the society which has further convoluted their lives and understanding. This rift is jeopardizing the emergence of a civil society in the island and many people from Hong Kong feel that it threatens the democratic process, which they have been pushing for.

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