What Type Of Government Does England Have
Out of all the countries that make up the United Kingdom, it is just England that does not have its own parliament. The Scots have their own parliament in Edinburgh and the Welsh have theirs in Cardiff. However, issues that affect England are decided the government of United Kingdom, which consists of Members of Parliament, MPs, from all over the UK. |
When some one asks what type of government does England have, they are usually referring to the United Kingdom. England has a parliamentary democracy with a constitution Monarch as the Head of State.
The parliament in England represents the people. It is home of the representative democracy where the chosen representatives are send to serve the interests of the people. In England, the parliament is where the MPs decide laws and make decisions for the country. However, this is not the same as the government which runs the country. One of the jobs of the parliament is to ensure that the government is running the country properly.
In England the politicians are elected by the people and sent as Members of Parliament to the House of Commons in London. This is done during the general election, which is held no more than five years apart. The party which has the maximum number of MPs in the House of Commons ends up forming the government.
The Queen of England is official Head of State. Since Britain a constitutional monarchy, the Queen just rules the country symbolically. The real power lies with the government and the parliament. Although the Queen opens the parliament session each year and the laws and statutes are passed in her name, she does not play any role in making any decisions, which rest solely with the Parliament and the government.
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