Climate Of AsiaClimate Of Asia


Countries-In-Continent-Of-Asia            Asia is considered to be the largest continent among the other 6 continents in the world. It is also world’s most populated continent. The Asian countries mostly occupy the Northern and Eastern hemispheres of the planet. The land mass of Asia is 44,579,000 square kilometers, which makes it the largest continent in the world. 60 percent of the total world population resides in Asian countries and it covers around 8.6 percent of the entire surface area of earth. More..


Climate Of Asia


      Asia, being the largest in area experiences immense climatic variations. The different countries in Asia face wide range of climatic deviation. The Asian continent is spread across a wide area, from the Arctic Circle to the southern part of the equator. Hence, the climate of Asia varies from extreme hot to extreme cold. Asia constitutes the world’s wettest country as well as the driest region. This is all due to the landmass covered by this continent which is spread all across the globe.

      Asia is divided into 7 regions and each of these regions experiences different kinds of climate. The climate of Central Asia is extremely dry, whereas that of northern Asia is extremely cold. The southern regions of Asia face extremely hot climatic condition. The central regions are surrounded by mountains and are far away from sea. Hence, the climate dwells on extremities. It is either extremely hot or extremely cold. The climate of Asia in the northern sector is comparatively better since they get more rains than the central region. However, the coldest place in the world is located in Siberia known as Verkhoyansk. The temperature here reaches -90 degrees.

The climate of Asia in its southern and south eastern sector is more pleasant. The major season is the summer and the regions also experience monsoon. The monsoon generally sets in during June and continues till October. Cherapunji in the Indian state of Assam receives the highest amount of rainfall in the world. This happens due to the moisture laden monsoon winds blowing from the sea towards the land.

The climate of Asia in the Southwestern part is also hot and dry. This region experiences long and extremely hot summers. It also experiences the winter season which is mild. In this region, rainfall normally occurs during winters. Nevertheless, the climate of Asia is quite favorable for the cultivation of a number of crops. In those areas where the climate of Asia acts as a hindrance to normal living, the people there sustain themselves by engaging in professions best suited to the climatic conditions prevailing there.

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