Countries In Continent Of AsiaCountries In Continent Of Asia


Interesting-Facts-About-Asia            Asia, being the largest continent of the world has a number of interesting facts about it. Some of these facts are known to us while others are yet to be discovered. We know that Asia covers most of the landmass on the planet. However, it is also interesting to note that the total landmass area of Asia is more than the landmass on the moon. Among the other interesting facts about Asia that are noteworthy to know is around 60 percent of the world's population resides in Asia. India's population is more than the overall population of North, Central and South America. Moreover, China is considered to be the leader with regard to its contribution to the world population. Chinese population in the present situation has exceeded 1.3 billion. More..


Countries In Continent Of Asia


      Asia is considered to be the largest continent among the other 6 continents in the world. It is also world’s most populated continent. The Asian countries mostly occupy the Northern and Eastern hemispheres of the planet. The land mass of Asia is 44,579,000 square kilometers, which makes it the largest continent in the world. 60 percent of the total world population resides in Asian countries and it covers around 8.6 percent of the entire surface area of earth.

      There are around 53 countries in continent of Asia. However, some of these countries are a part of the landmass of Eurasia, the part shared by Europe. Mostly the countries in western Asia fall under this category. The Central region countries in continent of Asia include Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, and Turkmenistan.

Towards Northern Asia is Russia. The Russian countries happen to be a part of this region. The countries that make up Eastern Asia include Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong, People's Republic of China, Macau, Mongolia, North Korea and South Korea. The Western countries of Asia include Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and Palestine. The countries in continent of Asia occupying the Middle East include Kuwait, Oman, Turkey, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Gaza Strip, Yemen, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Cyprus, Jordan, Lebanon and West Bank.

The countries in of Asia engaging the Southern region include India, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Bhutan, and Sri Lanka. The countries in continent of Asia lying in the Southeastern region include Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Cambodia, Myanmar, Brunei, Laos, Indonesia, and East Timor. Egypt, which is basically a part of North Africa, shares the Sinai Peninsula with Southwest Asia. Thus the continent of Asia is divided into 7 regions which contain various countries. Majority of these places have developed into great tourist destinations of the world.

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