People And Protests In Argentina History
Social conflicts and public protests have always been a major part of Argentine history. History of Argentina can be categorized into three distinct parts that include the pre-Columbian era, the Spanish colonial era and modern Argentina.
During the pre-Columbian era, Argentina was mainly inhabited by native tribes that were sparsely populated only in certain parts of the country. Some important tribes during this period were Diaguita, Guaani and the Tehuelches. Spaniards landed on the coasts of Argentina in 1502. Gradually, the Spaniards created Spanish settlements in Argentina. During this period, Buenos Aires became an important trade and commercial center of the region and a flourishing port city. Influenced by the success of French and American Revolutionary War, Buenos Aires formed a junta and declared independence on July 9, 1816. Argentina’s independence was recognized by the UK only in 1825.
Once Argentina gained independence, the entire country witnessed numerous political conflicts and social struggles until the middle of the 20th century. During the early part of the 19th century, Buenos Aires became a major force in the region. Political struggle continued till Juan Manuel de Rosas became the governor of Buenos Aires in 1929. Unable to sustain his feudalism, General Justo Jose de Urquiza staged a revolution and defeated Juan Manuel. A constitution of Argentina was promulgated during this period. Meanwhile, borders were witnessing conflicts between Spanish immigrants and Indians.
Conflicts and public protests continued even after the resurgence of modern Argentina. While the late 19th century witnessed conflicts between the wealthy classes and the poorer sections. Economical situation was really poor. Many workers could barely afford to even feed their families during this time. Continued suppression of workers and a continued economic crisis led to a military coup in 1930 leading to the ascendance of Juan Domingo Peron who later became an influential leader among the masses and working class in Argentina. He influenced the modern existence of Argentina to a significant extent.
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