What Is Immigration AmnestyWhat Is Immigration Amnesty


Immigration-New-Amnesty-Law      The new immigration amnesty law was enacted with an insight of granting all illegal immigrants the right to settle down in the United States legally. However, lately this law has enraged a lot of Americans and has become a constant topic of discussion. More..


What Is Immigration Amnesty


As we all know that illegal immigration cases have always been one of the most concerned topics of the United States. To overcome this problem, the United States took an initiative for the betterment of the illegal immigrants and the entire country.

To explain in simple words, an immigration amnesty was enacted with a purpose of decreasing the number of illegal immigrants in the United States. Under immigration amnesty, the US government forgives all the illegal acts of the immigrants who live and work with illegal documents associated with them. This way, the amnesty law grants all illegal immigrants the legal status of being in the US.

So far, the United States government has given this right to millions of illegal immigrants residing in the US. Earlier, the amnesty law was granted only to specific cases. But since 1986, the amnesty law started legalizing many cases under the immigration amnesty law.

Immigration Amnesty law has also been enforced as a means to strengthen the national border security of the United States; The U.S. government feels this can happen by legalizing all the illegal immigrants residing in their country. Some of the major benefits of the Immigration Amnesty law are: Immigration Amnesty allows illegal immigrants, four years of reusable visa to stay and work in the U.S. Moreover, if the illegal immigrants pay fees of $5,000, they can legally own a residence in the U.S. Also, people may avail the green card in three years rather than eight and can become a legal U.S. citizen.

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