Bolivia Cultural Events Or Celebrations
One important factor that defines and describes the culture of any country is its cuisine. Among all the South American countries, Bolivian cuisine is distinctly characterized by dishes that are appropriate to the climate.
In order to enjoy the delicacies of Bolivian cuisine, tourists are always advised to stay away from alcoholic beverages and consume light food for a couple of days so that their body gets adjusted to the climate of the region and gets accustomed to the altitude.
The most important ingredients in every Bolivian dish are meat and poultry. Bolivians use a multitude of spices and their creativity to give dishes a distinct flavor and taste. Bolivian food can be categorically divided into three different types based on the spices used. These include picante, medio picante and poco picante. The streets of La Paz and Santa Cruz have plenty of local restaurants serving local as well as international cuisines.
Some of the popular dishes in Bolivia include Saltenas, Empanadas, Sandwich de Chola, Changa de pollo o de conejo, Chicharran, Charque de llama and Lechon. All these dishes involve use of meat or pork. Among vegetarian dishes, one good variety is Humitas, fresh corn with cheese that is wrapped in corn leaves and steamed. Jallpahuaica is a popular sauce made with tomatoes, fresh peppers and herbs. In this part of the world, beef is highly popular with every part of cow being consumed. Dishes involving use of fish is popular in the lake and river regions.
Carnival is a good time for tourists to enjoy the dishes of Bolivia. Although Bolivian festivals are not food-oriented events, they are a good occasion for the local people to display their traditional dishes. Popular among these is Picana, a traditional Christmas dish made from beef or veal, prepared with red wine and herbs and served in combination with steamed potatoes. Another good delicacy that is widely consumed during festive time is Puchero. This is a soup variety that is made of different types of meat, rice and tuberous vegetables. Sipancho cochabambino is another popular dish made of meat, eggs and hot sauce.
All these dishes are savored by locals in combination with a fruit shake or wine or a local drink. Some important Bolivian drinks include Chicha, Chicha de mani and Tajori. In fact, Chicha is the sacred drink of the Incas made from fermented corn. Bolivian wines are widely known around the world for their rich texture and bouquet.
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